New Lisbon School Board Welcomes New Teachers
The New Lisbon School Board welcomed new teachers and staff during its “Celebrate New Lisbon” portion of the New Lisbon School Board Meeting on Monday night. Elementary School Principal introduced Olivia Deitelhoff, who is a 5th grade teacher; Rebecca Johnson, a 3rd grade teacher; and Victoria Shepherd, a 4th grade teacher. Lindsey Wagner couldn’t make it to the meeting but was welcomed as the new kindergarten teacher. Junior High/High School Principal Gary Syftestad introduced Cate Bernhagen, a high school English teacher. Superintendent Dennis Birr said they couldn’t be more excited with the five new teachers they hired this year, as well as the special education director, two custodians, a new cook, and a new kitchen aid. Birr said they hired really good people, who care about the district.
Later, the board talked about the data received from Lifetrack Post-Graduate surveys. Syftestad said they received another year of data, and the class of 2014 was more positive than the class of 2015, but the survey generally showed high school students were well-prepared for college and beyond when they left New Lisbon. Roughly 80 percent of both years said the education they received from New Lisbon were preparing them for the future. Syftestad emphasized several different points while going over the data. He remarked that while the district doesn’t have a class regarding public speaking, there are classes that incorporated public speaking into their curriculum even down at the junior high level and even at the elementary level. With the math curriculum, Syftestad said they’ve switched to year-round algebra and geometry three years ago and they did make Personal Finance a required course. In the science portion, Syftestad said they have added courses and Mrs. Dorn became certified as a science teacher. With History, the district is in its fourth year of have two full-time social studies teachers, and its third year that the district has AP Psychology. Syftestad said he has talked to Birr about the technology portion of the survey because without drilling down the specifics, they aren’t sure what the students may or may not have been looking at. In regards to entering the workforce, Syftestad said they have provided opportunities to visit colleges, factories or sites. Birr said they were going to ask Lifetrack if there was a way to get more feedback from students on the questions. He also said the results would be shared with staff.
After approving the annual meeting minutes and a teacher’s request for unpaid leave, the board approved a snow plow bid from G-Line Landscaping for a one year.
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