Senator Marklein Votes in Favor of Foxconn Bill
The Wisconsin Senate approved a modified version of a three-billion dollar state incentive package Tuesday. 17th District Senator Howard Marklein voted in favor of the bill. He said bringing Foxconn to Wisconsin will change the manufacturing landscape.
“This type of company draws an entirely new universe of investment and innovation. High tech manufacturing has amazing potential and Foxconn is a company poised at the leading edge of innovation,” said Marklein.
Marklein said that this deal will touch the entire state, including the 17th Senate District where companies like Rockwell Automation in Richland Center will be a direct supplier to Foxconn.
32nd District Senator and Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling claimed Republicans voted for the largest state taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.
She said, “Legislative Republicans have committed state taxpayers to $3 billion in corporate subsidies while taking money away from classrooms, roads and healthcare for decades to come. Rather than creating special loopholes for a foreign corporation, Democrats remain committed to prioritizing Wisconsin workers, Wisconsin business, and Wisconsin taxpayers.”
The measure still lets Foxconn and its litigants bypass the appellate court, but the Supreme Court would have the choice of whether to take those cases.
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