Kathleen Vinehout – Senator: Under Scott Walker, state is 16,000 manufacturing jobs lower than during recession
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Senator: Under Scott Walker, state is 16,000 manufacturing jobs lower than during recession
In criticizing Gov. Scott Walker’s Foxconn factory deal, state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma) lamented sluggish manufacturing growth and the governor’s manufacturing policies. Vinehout appeared Aug. 6, 2017, on WISN-TV’s "Upfront with Mike Gousha," where she said under Walker the state is "still 16,000 manufacturing jobs lower than we were during the recession." In July 2017, Walker announced that technology giant Foxconn, a company best known for making iPhone components, planned to build a near-1,000 acre LCD factory in southeastern Wisconsin that could eventually lead to 13,000 jobs. In her interview with Gousha, Vinehout, who ran for governor in 2014 …
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Source: Politifacts.com
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