Mauston Voters Approve Tax Levy at Mauston Annual School District Meeting
The Mauston School District had its annual meeting on Monday night, where voters listened to a presentation of the district’s budget for the 2017-2018 school year. Business Manager Julie Lankey-Smallwood reviewed each district fund and its purpose. Fund 10 is the General Fund; Fund 21 is for special projects and this is where donations are sent to; Fund 27 is the special education fund; Funds 38 and 39 are the Long-Term Debt (referendum and non-referendum); Fund 40 is the Capital Fund, which has two funds this year, Fund 44, which is the QZAB loan, and Fund 49, which is the referendum debt; and Fund 50 is the Food Service Fund. Lankey-Smallwood noted that the projected mil rate for the district is $11.23 per $1,000 of equalized property value. This means tentatively, taxes on properties valued at $100,000 would be $1,123. However, that mill rate is based on budgeted expenditures, and Lankey-Smallwood said based on actual expenditures, the mill rate could be $10.91/$1000. She also stated that the district’s projected equalization aid this year is more than last year, and that is going to help lower taxes. Lankey-Smallwood said projected property values went up this year and for the Mauston area, there was an increase of 5.6% and because the property values went up, that will also bring the mill rate down.
Later, the voters took up new actions items for the 2017-2018 school year. They approved to reestablish the Fund 41 levy to 75,800 for capital expenditures; approved the 2017-18 Tax Levy at $7,486,663; authorized the Board of Education to hire legal counsel; authorized the board to sell real property, personal property, and equipment no longer needed; approved that salaries for the school board members be set at $2,600; authorized payment of actual and necessary expenses of school board members in performance of duties; authorized the school board to establish the time and date of the annual meeting; and authorized the board to borrow money on short-term loans within the fiscal year.
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