Minor Injuries in Two Vehicle Accident North of Hillsboro
There were only minor injuries in a two vehicle crash Sunday afternoon north of Hillsboro. Vernon County Sheriff John B. Spears said the accident occurred at the intersection of Highway 80 and County Road WW. 40-year-old Leonard J. Leis of Kendall was southbound, operating an empty quad-axle milk truck. Leis turned the milk truck’s right turn signal on and began to slow down to make a right turn onto County Road WW. A second vehicle operated by 29-year-old Kyle D. Hubelle of Hillsboro was following the milk truck. He reached down to change the radio station. He looked up and applied the brakes, causing the vehicle to skid. Hubelle was unable to stop before rear ending the milk truck. Hubelle sustained a minor injury to his nose and was checked at the scene by Hillsboro Ambulance. Hubelle declined medical transport to the hospital. Both operators were wearing their seatbelts. The crash remains under investigation.
Source: WRJC.com
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