Minnesota Man Injured in Motorcycle Accident in Viola
A Minnesota man received injuries in a motorcycle accident Monday afternoon in the village of Viola. Vernon County Sheriff John Spears said 74-tear-old Richard Letsche was traveling east with a group of motorcycles when he fell asleep. Letsche’s motorcycle left the road and hit a curb. The motorcycle flipped into the air and Letsche was thrown off the motorcycle. He landed on the ground and the motorcycle flipped again, landing and pinning Letsche under the motorcycle. Spears said other motorcyclists in the group lifted the motorcycle off Letsche and he was air lifted to Gundersen Health System in La Crosse for internal injuries and burns. Letsche was wearing a helmet and full riding gear. Kickapoo Ambulance and Viola Fire Department also assisted at the scene. The crash remains under investigation.
Source: WRJC.com
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