Wisconsin DWD Improving Re-Employment Services
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (03/02/2015) – The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is, effectively, re-launching Re-Employment Services this month, with enhanced, renewed energy. The DWD is making, what has been referred to as, significant improvements to its federally mandated Re-employment Services (RES) System. The service is part of ongoing efforts to help Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants return to work quickly.
Highlights of the changes, which will be phased in starting March 7 for all UI claimants who are required to search for work, include the following:
– Claimants will be prioritized for level of service required, in-person or through the Internet, based on an online orientation and assessment tools that all RES participants already complete.
– New, online workshops will deliver RES services for claimants based on need. The workshops range from resume-building to interview preparation and are available on-demand from home computers, mobile devices or the nearest Job Center.
– Local Job Centers will be able to target in-person sessions to individuals who require more intensive services than what can be delivered online. Additionally, RES participants will be able to schedule their own in-person sessions based on their availability. The first in-person sessions under the new system will begin the week of March 16.
– Claimants will be able to track their participation in real time to ensure they are complying with RES requirements.
DWD has delivered the federally mandated RES program at local Job Centers or partner locations since the 1990s as an “early intervention” process to help facilitate a quick return to employment.
DWD currently requires all UI claimants with work-search requirements to complete RES services, which includes mandatory in-person sessions that are assigned to individual claimants based on session availability, but sometimes must adjust this requirement if session capacity is limited.
“DWD supports new employment goals for UI claimants from the moment they file for the first time for Unemployment Insurance, until they are back to work using the assistance from the JobCenterofWisconsin.com, Wisconsin Job Service locations, and workforce partners,” Secretary Reggie Newson said.
“These online enhancements will improve customer service and flexibility, while also making sure we target the appropriate tools to Unemployment Insurance claimants who are required to search for work,” Newson added.
UI claimants who are required to search for work will receive email notifications reminding them of the need to complete RES requirements. The online workshops will be accessible through JobCenterofWisconsin.com, which all claimants with work-search requirements already must register on, build a resume.
Wisconsin Job Service staff are being trained to deliver phone and in-person assistance to RES participants on navigating the system, and additional training is being made available to regional partners including workforce boards. Alternate RES support will be available for individuals with certain barriers.
The enhanced RES system is part of DWD’s ongoing efforts to help UI claimants move to new employment more quickly through self-service. Last fall, DWD rolled out dramatic improvements to its online UI system to receive initial claims and provide information in response to Internet-based claim inquiries.
More information about the Re-Employment Services System is available at JobCenterofWisconsin.com.
In other Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development news:
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Dislocated Worker Program (DWP) provides assistance to workers, companies, and communities affected by mass layoffs or business closings.
The DWD recently received notice from American Appraisal Associates, Inc., Milwaukee, WI that Approximately 32 employees are being affected. DWD says the Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board will provide assistance to the affected workers.
Under state law, employers employing 50 or more individuals in the state are required to give 60 days notice before a mass layoff or closing. Once the state becomes aware of any event affecting 50 or more workers, the Dislocated Worker Program’s Rapid Response Team reach out and offer assistance to the affected workers and employer.
DWD may also look at each dislocation to determine if the workers have lost their jobs as a result of foreign trade or competition. If that is the case, workers may be eligible for additional assistance for federal Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Services available under TAA include training, income support while in training, job search allowance and relocation allowance.
Wisconsin spends nearly $40 million annually serving approximately 20,000 dislocated workers in various programs. Wisconsin consistently ranks highly among states in receipt of discretionary federal funding for dislocated workers.
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