Scott Walker – Scott Walker says Foxconn 'bringing' 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin — what exactly does that mean?
The Truth-o-Meter says: Half-True | Scott Walker says Foxconn ‘bringing’ 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin — what exactly does that mean?
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker could perhaps be excused for over-exuberance when it comes to Foxconn Technology Group, the Taiwan-based company that describes itself as the world's largest electronics manufacturing services provider, Indeed, the typically composed Republican governor seemed almost giddy when he joined President Donald Trump, Foxconn founder Terry Gou and other officials at the White House on July 26, 2017. The occasion: Foxconn was announcing that, after considering a number of states, it had decided to build a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel manufacturing plant in southeast Wisconsin. Not just any plant, but a …
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