Mike Gallagher – Mike Gallagher on target with claim on health care costs in US vs. other industrialized nations
The Truth-o-Meter says: Mostly True | Mike Gallagher on target with claim on health care costs in US vs. other industrialized nations
Since his arrival in Congress in January 2017, first-term U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, (R-Green Bay) has gotten a crash course in health-care politics. When he was interviewed July 9, 2017, on "Upfront with Mike Gousha," a public affairs show that airs on WISN-TV (Channel 12), Gallagher reiterated his support for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but said the issues with health care in the U.S. are deeper than those the now-stalled House bill tried to address. "Whatever we’re doing right now with our health care system is not working," he said, later adding: "The biggest …
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Source: Politifacts.com
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