Forever TV Series Character Has Name Of Past TV Celebrity
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (09/23/2014) [TV SHOWS] – Doctor Henry Morgan (not the actor and game show panelist Henry Morgan) does not just study the dead to solve criminal cases in the TV Series, Forever, he does it to solve the mystery that has eluded him for 200 years, the answer to his own immortality. Every time he dies, he comes back to life again.
No, we’re not trying to confuse you, but, we thought you should know there was a Real Henry Morgan years ago who was billed as a comedian, an actor, a popular game show panelist, a radio star, and an early TV personality. That Henry Morgan (born Henry Lerner Van Ost, Jr. March 31, 1915 – May 19, 1994) was an American humorist of years gone by.
Ok, so he wasn’t so real, after all, since he wasn’t born Henry Morgan. However, the “I’ve Got A Secret” panelist Henry Morgan, was a TV Celebrity way before the “Forever” series debuted September 22nd of 2014.
The early Henry Morgan (not the character in the current TV Series, Forever) is perhaps remembered best in two modern media: radio, on which he first became familiar as a barbed, but often self-deprecating satirist, and on television, where he was a regular and cantankerous panelist for the game show I’ve Got a Secret.
Now, on to the current, 2014, TV Series called “Forever”, starring Ioan Gruffudd as Doctor Henry Morgan, Medical Examiner, co-starring, Alana De La Garza as Detective Jo Martinez, and Judd Hirsch. You probably remember Judd Hirsch as one of the main characters on Taxi, and a co-star on Numbers, where he played the father.
The first week of the series called Forever found the show debuting on ABC-TV after Dancing With The Stars and opposite Under The Dome on CBS-TV Monday night, September 22, 2014. Another, Forever, episode was aired the following night. Forever’s regular night is Tuesday.
The Pilot episode of Forever, which aired September 22, was watched by 8.59 Million viewers, many of which stayed on the same channel after watching the popular Dancing With The Stars. Not quite as many people watched the second episode of Forever the following night. “Look Before You Leap”, the second Forever episode, on ABC-TV, September 23rd, had 6.85 Million people watching.
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