Mike Ditka Proposes Gridiron Prancercise for Gridiron Greats
WISCONSINREPORT.COM [WiscReport.com] (12/30/2014) VideoJuice.com, the first-of-its-kind social fundraising platform, has announced that Mike Ditka, former NFL player, coach and television commentator will Prancercise during Super Bowl week if he raises $100,000 for Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund, Inc. (GGAF).
The three-time Super Bowl champion will be joined by Joanna Rohrback, the founder of Prancercise who has become a YouTube legend with more than 10 million views for the exercise defined as a “springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse’s gait and ideally induced by elation.”
To benefit the charity, Ditka also promises that if GGAF raises more than $100,000, he will enlist his beloved NFL friends to Prancercise with him and Joanna during Super Bowl week in Arizona.

Mike Ditka
In a short video featured on VideoJuice.com, Ditka announces the challenge and adds that the highest bidder and a guest will be invited to the Ditka & Jaws Cigar Party on January 29th. The exclusive event will feature a variety of premium cigars, single-malt scotches and football legends including current and retired NFL players and ESPN personalities. The highest bidder will also be treated to a private dinner with Ditka and Rohrback and featured in an actual Prancercise video.
“Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund is near and dear to my heart,” Ditka said. “I wanted to do something different and exciting to help our NFL heroes get back on their feet. What better way to engage people and encourage them to donate than by proposing a challenge in which I will Prancercise during Super Bowl week.”
The proceeds donated to GGAF through VideoJuice.com will benefit retired NFL players, providing hands-on assistance to help with hardships faced after football. Donations will help provide retired players with medical and financial assistance, as well as coordination of services for food, automotive payments and childcare.
To donate to the Gridiron Greats Prancercise Challenge visit VideoJuice.com. For more information about Gridiron Greats, visit GridironGreats.org.
VideoJuice.com is an online fundraising platform that showcases the creative and sometimes outrageous things people are willing to do to raise money for their favorite charity. The mission at VideoJuice.com is to provide a platform and a community that encourages people to tap into their creativity and find new ways to increase funds and awareness for their favorite cause through personal challenges. VideoJuice.com asks the question, “What are you willing to do for your favorite cause?”
The Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund’s mission is to assist retired NFL players and their families in dire need. Gridiron Greats provides hands-on assistance to help retired players and their families deal with hardships they face after football. The services include medical assistance, transportation costs for medical evaluations and surgeries, dental assistance, housing assistance, financial assistance for utilities, medication, and coordination of services for food and other day to day necessities.
Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund, Inc. (GGAF) is a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation that has received recognition of federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to GGAF are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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