ACA Insurance Exchange FAQs Could Help ObamaCare Renewal
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (11/17/2014) [HEALTH] – Consumers who purchased ACA compliant health insurance plans are receiving renewal letters in the mail. Since this process is new, it is important for consumers to understand how to keep their policy, how to estimate their new subsidy amount, and how to change insurance policies, if desired.
“This will be the first renewal for many people who purchased coverage through the exchange,” explained Insurance Commissioner Ted Nickel.
“Unfortunately, the renewal process required by the federal exchange is unfamiliar, and the new rules have made renewing health insurance more complicated than in the past,” Nickel said.
OCI’s new frequently asked questions document is intended to help consumers understand the process. See OCI’s Frequently Asked Questions—Renewal Process in PDF version from OCI’s Website (opens in new window).

Ted Nickel – Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner
Commissioner Nickel also has a number of suggestions to ensure that consumers have a smooth experience in keeping their health insurance coverage for 2015.
Contact your agent. Your agent should be able to help you through the renewal process. If you want to choose a new plan, an agent can give you advice on choosing the best plan for you. If you want to re-enroll in your current plan, your agent can help you with that as well.
Contact your insurer. If you want to keep your current coverage and do not have an agent, your insurer may be able to help you through the process or refer you to an agent who specializes in their plans.
Update your information through the exchange. If you are receiving a subsidy, you should update your information through the exchange. Your agent, a certified application counselor, or navigator may be able to help you with this process.
Verify your coverage. Last year, insurers had trouble receiving necessary information from the exchange. Hopefully all the kinks are worked out, but it never hurts to verify your coverage with your insurer.
Check your accounts. If you pay your bills automatically, you’ll want to make sure that only one insurance company at a time is billing you for coverage. Make sure to check your bank and credit card statements.
“Consumers who wish to keep or cancel their coverage should contact their insurance agent and their insurer,” continued Commissioner Nickel.
“Based on federal guidance, consumers could face situations in which they have lost coverage or could be charged for two different health insurance policies.” Nickels pointed out.
“In this case, an ounce of prevention will be much more effective than a pound of cure,” Nickels added.
For more information, visit OCI’s Health Reform page.
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