Wisconsin Voters Oppose Gov. Walker Plan To Cut School Aid
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (04/17/2015) – A new Marquette University Law School poll shows that 78 percent of Wisconsin voters oppose Governor Scott Walker’s plan to cut aid to schools by $127 million. Nearly that many state voters, 70 percent, do not appreciate the Governor Walker plan to also cut $300 Million from the University of Wisconsin system.
The two proposals are part of the 2015-17 budget that Governor Walker expects the Wisconsin legislature to pass. The results of the Marquette poll indicate, even people who voted him into office originally, and whose anti-Recall votes helped him continue in office, don’t appreciate the Republican Governor’s plan to reduce tax dollars to support public education.
“This is one more wake-up call to politicians looking to cut millions more from Wisconsin public schools while increasing tax-funded subsidies to private schools,” said WEAC President Betsy Kippers.

Many Wisconsin Voters believe Governor Scott Walker (above) should start becoming an empathic, compassionate Governor, instead of trying to become President of the United States.
“Wisconsin citizens share a commitment to neighborhood public schools because that’s the only way every child has the same opportunity for success. Educators and families will continue to work in their communities for a better budget, and we’ll hold our elected leaders accountable if they turn their backs on our students,” Kippers pointed out.
The Marquette poll results are right in line with a recent Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) poll, which showed that two-thirds of Wisconsin parents want to increase funding for public schools, including 49 percent who support increased funding even if it would raise their taxes. Only 4 percent of parents would decrease funding.
The Marquette poll also found that 54 percent oppose removing limits on the number of students statewide outside Milwaukee and Racine counties receiving publicly funded vouchers to attend private schools, with only 37 percent favoring ending the limit on vouchers, now set at 1,000 students.
The questions were part of a broader Marquette poll that also found a sharp drop overall in Governor Walker’s approval ratings.
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