Volleyball Local School Alumni Re-Cap


Sam Thrasher (Sr. Ripon College) Thrasher is the current leader on the season for aces and digs for Ripon College.  Ripon is currently 6-6 on the season. 

Madalyn Scully (Jr. LaSell U.) Scully has 14kills and 7blocks for LaSell University who is 6-1 early in their season out in Massachusetts.

Emma Incaprero (Jr. Wisconsin Lutheran) Incaprero is currently 2nd for Wisconsin Lutheran in both assists and aces.  Wisconsin Lutheran is 5-7 currently on their young season. 

Anna Kudick (Fr. St. Norbert’s College) Kudick has 3kills and 1block so far in her Freshman campaign with the Green Knights.  St. Norbert’s is 6-6 to start their season. 

Mia Quist (So. Viterbo U.) Quist is currently 3rd on the team with 16 aces on the season.  Viterbo is the #6 ranked team in the NAIA and off to a 14-2 start.   



Nichole Totzke (So. UW-Platteville) Volleyball – Totzke is yet to appear in game according to UW-P statistics.  Platteville is off to 10-1 record to start season. 

Source: WRJC.com

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