Mauston School Board Gets Update on New Middle School Schedule
The Mauston School Board received an update on the new Olson Middle School Schedule at its meeting on Monday night. Middle School Principal Brian Bauer said as they started the school year, the changes on the structure of the school day have been positive. With this new schedule, only about half of the students are moving at a time, because the other half of students are in the modified block times of math or English language, which has created less traffic and less office referrals. Bauer said there are also less bells throughout the day, and it has created a calmer environment for students because they’re not looking or waiting for the bell. In the afternoon, students have Eagle Time, where they have the opportunity to be in music, go to a reteaching classroom, or an enrichment classroom. Bauer said he’s excited for it and with any change, there’s always a challenge, and he believes the staff has embraced it and looking for what it can do for this year as well as the future.
The board then approved employee contracts for Kelly Kustief as the Olson Middle School Special Education teacher; Katreena Howell as a Olson Middle School Science Teacher; and Ann Pesta to serve as the part-time School Psychologist. Board members then approved donations from Gray Electric in the amount of $3,646.05 for materials and labor for the new press box as well as for the FFA food stand; from, in the amount $3,398.11, for four different high school teachers; again from in the amount $1,209 for the purchase of Legos for a creative writing project and books; a $2,500 donation from Dollar General to purchase more reading materials for Olson Middle School English teacher Kaitlyn Wagner. The board then approved the Policy 492-Homeless Students, and the approval of the district budget calendar for 2017-2018.
The board also approved the district’s property and liability insurance carrier for 2017-2020. Business Manager Julie Lankey-Smallwood said they bid the insurance out every three years, and they received a bid from TRICORE Insurance, who is the district’s current provider. The amount was $154,048, but Lankey-Smallwood said the district has a 30 percent dividend coming back from worker’s compensation, so the amount the district pays will be less than that. She said that TRICORE would come in and do some training for worker’s compensation and safety, and boiler inspections. The item was approved unanimously.
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