J.C. Penney Closing 39 Stores Including 3 In Wisconsin
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (01/08/2015) – Wisconsin JC Penney stores in Oshkosh, Racine and Shawano are scheduled to close this year, leaving more state residents without work. The closings are just a fraction of the JC Penneys cutbacks nationwide.
J.C. Penney says the company is closing up 39 stores it has listed as under-performing and laying off 2,250 workers.
Mall-based stores in 19 states will close by early April. Announcement the store closures, which represent about 4% of the middle-market chain’s stores, came just days after the company said holiday sales rose, overall.
J.C. Penney said all employees at stores being closed will be offered career training classes, including help writing resumes and filling out applications. The company said some employees are eligible to receive separation benefits.

Typical JC Penney Mall Store
Here’s the list of all 39 stores JC Penney plans to close:
Georgia: Walnut Square Mall in Dalton; LaGrange Mall in LaGrange; Gwinnett Place Mall in Duluth; Lagrange Mall in Lagrange.
Iowa: Southbridge Mall, Mason City; Westland Mall in West Burlington; Crossroads Shopping Center in Waterloo.
Illinois: Northland Plaza in DeKalb; Quincy Mall in Quincy.
Indiana: Marquette Mall in Michigan City.
Massachusetts: Hanover Mall in Hanover; Silver City Galleria in Taunton.
Michigan: Adrian South Mall in Adrian.
New Jersey: Cumberland Mall in Vineland.
New York: Hudson Valley Mall in Kingston.
North Carolina: Randolph Mall in Asheboro; Southgate Mall in Elizabeth City; Signal Hill Mall in Statesville; Parkwood Mall in Wilson.
Ohio: Eastland Mall in Columbus; North Towne Plaza in Greenville; Upper Valley Mall in Springfield.
Oregon: Pony Village Mall in North Bend.
Pennsylvania: Chambersburg Mall in Chambersburg; Susquehanna Valley Mall in Hummels Wharf; Granite Run Mall in Media; Nittany Mall in State College; York Galleria in York
Rhode Island: Providence Place Mall in Providence.
South Carolina: Aiken Mall in Aiken; Inlet Square Mall in Murrells Inlet.
South Dakota: Lakewood Mall in Aberdeen.
Texas: Market Square Mall in Brenham.
Virginia: Manassas Mall in Manassas; The Marquis in Williamsburg
Vermont: Diamond Run Mall in Rutland; St. Albans Shopping Center in St. Albans.
Wisconsin: Aviation Plaza in Oshkosh; Regency Mall in Racine; Shawano Plaza in Shawano.
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