Mauston School Board Gets Update on New Middle School Schedule

The Mauston School Board received an update on the new Olson Middle School Schedule at its meeting on Monday night. Middle School Principal Brian Bauer said as they started the school year, the changes on the structure of the school day have been positive. With this new schedule, only about half of the students are moving at a time, because the other half of students are in the modified block times of math or English language, which has created less traffic and less office referrals. Bauer said there are also less bells throughout the day, and it has created a calmer environment for students because they’re not looking or waiting

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Wisconsin Rail Safety Week Sept. 24 – 30

Governor Scott Walker has declared September 24 – 30 as Rail Safety Week in Wisconsin. According to the DOT, the number of crashes at railroad crossings was up from 2015. In 2016, two people were killed and 15 people were injured as a result of 46 railroad crossing crashes. Additionally, 1 person died and three people were injured while trespassing on railroad tracks. The DOT is joining with the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads, Wisconsin Operation Lifesaver, Federal Railroad Administration and the railroads to increase the awareness of the importance of safe practices at railroad crossings and around tracks. There will be rail safety events throughout the state, including

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