The Future Is Here! Enjoy Our Features and Pages.
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (9182014) [SITE NEWS] – Welcome to our New, improved version of We have been in the process of developing a new, improved version of the Now it is here for you to enjoy. It took a few days to set up the new system, and, now, the New Project is ready for PrimeTime.
We’ve switched over to the new and improved pages, officially, today, September 18, 2014. We appreciate many of you internet readers regularly reading our online reports since back in 2002. Now, with the latest, new, improved version, it’s even better.
The new pages will bring much more pictures your way during the coming months. We’ve already begun using a bunch more illustrations, images, and photos than we used to, and this trend will continue. The new combination of WordPress, Smartline, plus our own technical people and crew, are all pulling together, so we can bring you the new look and feel of our news pages in record time.
You will note that all of the old stories in our archives are still available. To access the early stories, we have included some links at the top of the page. The links are located at the top-left of the page and are self explanatory. After you read some of the older stories, you may have to use the back button on your computer browser to get back to the newer, improved pages. Clicking on the HOME link on the old pages should also return you to the FRONTPAGE of our NEW pages.
One of our improvements can be seen on the Main Menu of the new pages. We are breaking the Categories down and included links on the main menu to stories that fall into those categories. We’re still in the process of finding out which Category Link Names to use so that it will be easier for you. We are experimenting with the names until we come up with a Main Menu Formula that makes it easiest for you to find what you’re interested in.
Another thing that we are able to now make possible: We have opened up the opportunity for you to comment on individual stories that we publish. This feature will continue to be available as long as it is not abused. Please keep your comments civil and free of obscenities. (We have since discontinued the ability to comment on stories because of the abuse we feared.)
From time to time, we may include more Site News comments and information to further inform you about the new and improved pages, and other details you may find useful. In the meantime, enjoy the new pages, and, thanks again for being one of the many news hounds that frequent our website. brings you reliable, unbiased, independent news stories, because we are Not Affiliated with any Political Party, Government, Agency, School, Business, Group, or any Other Website with Wisconsin in it’s name.
Our Founder and Editor, Gary W. Morgan, has more than 50 years of experience in the printed, broadcast and internet news media. Prior to becoming Editor of in 2002, his duties in the print and broadcast worlds included Newspaper Editor and Radio News Director. He started out as a newspaper reporter in the early 1960s, writing about high school happenings in the local newspaper. He caught the news bug there and wrote, reported and edited news from then on. During his career, his news beat has included murder trials and other major crimes, state legislative matters, local city, county and school board activities, as well as in depth interviews and features of and about politicians and other newsmakers.
Gary Morgan comes from a communication background that includes city, town, village, county and state government news, information, reporting, interviews, anchoring, photography, graphics, advertising, and entertainment. His experiences have taken him into the fields of broadcasting, cablecasting, the internet, newspapers, and the world of printed materials. His career management positions include radio news director, commercial continuity director, music director, station manager, newspaper editor, webmaster and internet entrepreneur.
Our domain name,, was registered in 2002. Our Mission then, and now, is to provide a reliable, independent, truthful and unbiased internet news source, publishing stories about People, Places, Politics, Events and Activities that affect our readers.To fulfill our Mission, we do our best to remain free of outside influence. To that end, we are NOT affiliated with any Political Party, Government, Agency, Official, School System, Business, Organization, News Service or other Website with Wisconsin in it’s name. We, likewise, do not receive funding through financial grants from outside groups.
With our newest version of our website, we are completely compatible with all smartphones, pods, pads, tablets, laptops and desktop personal computers. Read our stories on the go, or at your home or office. The new version of our website is completely “Responsive” to the needs of your screen, large, medium-sized, or small. Our new system detects the size of the screen and adjusts accordingly.
We should be easy to find and experience by entering our website name ( or in your internet website browser.) Using the newest versions of Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari, or other browsers, you should be able to bring our pages into your device in a Responsive way (automatically adjusting photos and text to fit your device).
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WISCONSINREPORT.COM ( is not affiliated with Wisconsin Government or any state agency, department, entity, or other website or printed publication with Wisconsin in it’s name. Established in 2002, we operate completely independent from political parties and other forms of outside influence. Our Mission is to report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We are WiscReport on Twitter and Facebook. A Morbizco Internet Media online publication. –
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