Our Mission:
To publish truthful, relevant, insightful news stories about what's going on that affects your life on a state, regional and national level, so you can be better informed.
WisconsinReport.com is dedicated to providing News and Views about Wisconsin People, Places, Politics, Events and Activities that affect our readers inside and outside the State.
Published By:
Managing Editor:
Gary W. Morgan
WisconsinReport.com editor Gary Morgan has more than four decades of broadcast, newspaper and internet experience. His credentials include news director, news anchor, radio personality, on-air interviewer, columnist, news editor, reporter, photographer, writer and frequent contributor to a regional radio news network. See Gary Morgan at Garytalk, Facebook, or Twitter.
Your Independent News Source:
WisconsinReport.com is an independent online internet news publication not affiliated with Wisconsin Government, Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, the University of Wisconsin System, or any other entity, agency, department, network or business with Wisconsin in it's name. See WisconsinReport.com page on Facebook.
