Mandatory Investigation Author Vows To Make Law Stronger
WISCONSINREPORT.COM (05/12/2015) – In light of the announcement that the Dane County District Attorney will not charge the officer who shot, and killed, Tony Robinson in Madison, Wisconsin recently, Assembly Representative Chris Taylor vows to continue working on ways to strengthen the mandatory investigation law. The DA said it was a lawful shooting.
“Just over two months ago, a series of tragic circumstances resulted in the death of 19-year-old Tony Robinson,” said Taylor (in photo), who authored the laws making investigation of shootings by police officers madatory in Wisconsin.
“The Madison community, Dane County and even the State of Wisconsin have patiently and peacefully waited for the results of the independent investigation into his death and whether charges would be forthcoming”, Taylor continued.
“I am proud that our community has demonstrated to the world how to peacefully protest in response to this tragic event,” Representative Taylor said.
“While Wisconsin passed unprecedented legislation last year requiring independent investigations of officer-involved deaths, it is important for us all to remember that this legislation was only the first step forward”, Taylor went on.
“I will be evaluating the implementation of this law and working on additional measures to ensure a transparent and independent process,” she continued.
“We have much more work to do towards ensuring a fair and equitable criminal justice system while working to eliminate the racial disparities that plague it”, Chris Taylor said.
“Today’s decision by District Attorney Ozanne to not file charges against Madison Police Officer Matt Kenny will understandably evoke strong emotions for all involved in this tragic situation,” Representative Taylor continued.
“In my own community, many will struggle with a sense that justice hasn’t been served. I know our community will continue to express themselves in a lawful and peaceful way”, she said.
“I again send my heartfelt sympathy to the friends and family of Tony Robinson who have experienced immeasurable grief”, she stated.
“As Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.’ We must commit ourselves to this principle as we continue forward towards a day of fair and equal treatment in our law enforcement and judicial systems,” said Assembly Representative Chris Taylor.
When making the announcement of his decision, Dane County District Attorney Ozanne said the investigation indicated the shooting of the young man by the officer was lawful. The officer said, after being shoved, he was afraid he would tumble down the stairway, lose control of the situation and possibly his gun.
According to Ozanne, the officer was concerned that, if he became disabled by the young man, the youth might take the officer’s gun, use it on the officer and possibly on other persons inside the building. So, he shot Robinson, who had allegedly been seen acting in a strange way outside, moments before the officer arrived.
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